Three years and three akitas all rescued from Big East Akita Rescue (BEAR)

Butter aka the big boy aka big fudge aka big handsome:
What can you say about Butter other than everything is better with Butter.  Butter came to us three years ago to help replace the hole in our heart from losing our first akita Bella bear.  He’s not keen on doing walking but is big on getting treats, napping and getting petted.

Lily aka Lilynado aka babasaba :
Lily was rescue number two and replaced Stefs beloved St Bernard Golden Retriever our Holly Girl.  Lily was a very damaged girl when she came to us but in the last two years she’s turned into a real dog who loves walks and killing all squeakers in her toys.  She’s also an A #1 demolition expert in home renovation.  Although a handful, we wouldn’t trade her for anything.

Pride aka bud bud aka Pridey boy:
Pride was a foster failure through and through.  They say 3 hours/3 days/3 months for a rescue.  With Pride it was 3 seconds/3 minutes/3 hours - when he was here, he knew he was home.  We sometimes joke Pride is the good karma for taking Lily because he’s so easy.  He’s also an absolute lover boy who loves giving kisses and loves getting attention from people.

Our lives wouldn’t be what it is without this pack of ours and if we are to get a fourth rescue we need your help in supporting BEAR. 

Please consider supporting Butter, Pride and Lily in their effort to help BEAR continue their  wonderful work.

Whisker Walk Team The Bloodline

Remember to set the tip to $0.00 on GoFundMe if you do not wish to pay a fee

All Rights Reserved Raffle 4 Rescue 2023

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