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All Rights Reserved Raffle 4 Rescue 2023

Whisker Walk Team Nikki's Ninjas

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Nikki's Ninja's; also known as Yukiko and Makoto, are very excited to participate in their THIRD Whisker Walk for Big East Akita Rescue!

Who could resist the opportunity to walk along the beach for the benefit of Akitas in need? Not this team! Eleven year old Yukiko is a rescue herself out of Compton, California, and has proven that any dog who is given excercise, direction, love and a chance, can blossom into the dog of a lifetime. Nine year old Makoto will be walkin' and waggin' along with us. He is a happy boy, who knows the importance of paying it forward.

Nikki's Ninjas are going to use their stealth and perseverance to secure as many sponsors as they can. They'll make the drop, and disappear back into the shadows, with the knowledge and satisfaction of knowing they've done some good for Akita kind and the orphans at BEAR!