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All Rights Reserved Raffle 4 Rescue 2023

Mike, Storm and I suffered the unimaginable tragedy of losing our beautiful puppy Lava on the morning of the Whisker Walk on June 5, 2022. She wasn’t yet four months old. Lava was a blessing in our lives and we will honor her memory this year.

Her passing took a lot out of us, especially Storm. He will be 12 this year and his age is creeping up on him. His heart and mobility are impaired. We hope he will be able to walk the Whisker Walk in 2023.

Fortunately, we have a new Whisker Walking puppy with lots of heart and energy and she is all in. Indy is almost six months old and she will be the front dog on our team this year. Storm has been coaching Indy and teaching her everything he knows. I know she will make us proud.

Please consider sponsoring Team Storm and Indy as they walk for BEAR in honor of our beloved Lava, Kane and Muzzy. 

Thank you,

Cynthia, Storm and Indy's Mom

Click the photos to enlarge

Whisker Walk Team Storm & Lava