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All Rights Reserved Raffle 4 Rescue 2024
Whisker Walk Team Abel
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Within the last year we lost Nina Ann and Gentle Jacob which broke my heart and the year before that we lost Sasha and the year before that we lost our dear Cain who was my mascot for the Whisker Walk. They all loved to help!
This year we are walking with our 12 year old blind diabetic Misses Meeks and this year we will rock this walk with Abel (3) years old and his new best friend Ginny Gin (1) year old.
Misses Meeks and Abel are special Akitas with lots of love and willing to help B.E.A.R. Ginny Gin our Collie Mix will bring us to the finish line for sure with her sunny personality.
They can't wait to help Big East Akita Rescue raise funds for all the Akitas in Rescue.